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Online Registration Form

B. Ed. Admissions 2010-11 

College Fee: Rs. 62,720 + Examination fee: Payable at the time of filling of examination form of the University as per the direction of CCS University. 
Rules and Procedure for B. Ed. Admission 2010-2011
Steps to be taken by the candidates allotted through counseling:
  "Registration-cum-Admission Form" is available on the website free of charge. Click Registration
Step-1  Fill up the "Form" and submit for college office record. Click Submit
Step-2 Take out a print copy of duly filled up registration and admission form. For taking hard copy, click Print
Step-3 Attach all relevant documents with the hard print-out copy of registration-cum-admission form as per the instructions-
I) Self attested photocopies of all academic documents from class 10th to last degree attained;
II) T/C- Transfer Certificate in original;
III) Character Certificate in Original;
IV) Migration Certificate (For candidates having last academic degree from the University other than CCS University, Meerut)
V) Latest "Caste and Income" certificates issued by "Tehsil Dar" only with code number verifiable from the official website of the government (For candidates claiming admission with "Zero payment" of fee   reimbursable from "Samaj Kalayan Vibhag" of The State Government.
VI) 7-passport sized latest coloured photographs.
VII) Physical Fitness Certificate Issued by CMO
Step-4  Attach the bank draft in original for Rs. 62,720, as difference of college fee in favour of "College of Professional Education" payable atMeerut.
Step-5  Contact the "Admission Committee" at the city office- A-1, Damodar Colony, Garh Road, Meerut for grant of admission with all above mentioned documents during any working days from 9.00AM to 3.00PM within 7 days of the issuance of letter of allotment from Lucknow University, Lucknow, as per the instruction issued by the University.
Note: The candidates having less than 50% marks in qualifying examination shall be granted admission provisionally subject to the final decision of Hon"ble High Court.  
For admissions on "Vacant Seats" after last round of counseling: 
  As per the intent and contents of State Government Order No. 1149 / Satter-2-2010-16 (49)/ 2004 dated 4th June 2010, the admissions on the vacant seats, remained if any, after the last round of counseling to be conducted by Lucknow, University, Lucknow, shall be granted directly by the college on the basis of merit of the candidates who has already appeared in the CET conducted by the University but could not get allotment through counseling and who apply to the colleges by registering himself or herself on the official website of the college.
  Admissions on vacant seats shall be done on payment of the college fee of Rs. 62,720 by the bank draft only in favour of "College of Professional Education" payable at Meerut; so that the commencement of the session 2010-11 is not delayed further on any pretext.
  Candidates having less than 50% marks in qualifying examination may also be considered for provisional admission on vacant seats subject to the final decision of Hon"ble High Court.
Registration Type  Not Appeared In Test   
 Appeared In Test  But Not In Counseling
 Appeared In Test And Counseling
I Accept The Terms And Conditions


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