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Meerut (U.P) INDIA.
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  Well stocked library

  24 hrs internet faculty

  Merit scholorship

  Expeienced facility

  Spaciuous class rooms

  Hygenic canteen

  Audit Balance Sheet

  Approved Faculty

  NCTE Order

  Pan Card

  Student Detail 2011-12



The Institute has excellent senior faculty keeping in view the latest trends especially to meet the challenges posed by globalization and job opportunities in the corporate sector, which invariably insists on high caliber personnel. The Institute arranges visiting faculties in order to supplement and synergies the academic education with practical applications. The Institute also invites prominent key personalities from different industries and other specialized areas to interact with the students, which help them to develop into complete professionals. Special modules, like the one for Personality Development Programme, are added to help the students to enhance their confidence, ability, skills and aptitudes. The Institute has continuous interaction with the industry by way of site visits, programmes conducted at the campus for working executives and specific interface on particular occasions. The students are also exposed to the latest trends in their area of interest by arranging industrial visits.

In the academic sphere of the institute , the Director draws his strength from his key faculty members heading various Departments.
1. Dr.(Smt) Pooja Principal M.Ed, M.A.(Eng), M.phil (Edu), Ph.D (Education) Dr.Poonam Pandey
2. Dr. Pallavi Sharma Lecturer B.Ed, M.A(Edu), M.A (Hindi) P.hD (Hindi) ------------do----------
3. Km. Kavita Rani Lecturer M.Ed, M.Sc (Math), NET(Edu) ------------do----------
4. Mrs. Parul Mittal Lecturer M.Ed, M.Sc, (Zoology), M.Phil (Edu) ------------do----------
5. Km. Shweta Lecturer M.Ed, M.A ( English), B.Ed ------------do----------
6. Km. Monika Choudhary Lecturer M.Ed, M.A (Geography), B.Ed ------------do----------
7. Mrs. Shashi Lecturer M.Ed, M.A (Economics), B.Ed ------------do----------
8. Mrs. Sushma Jain Lecturer M.Ed, M.A (Chemistry), B.Ed ------------do----------
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